Year: 2005

  • Canceled: Math Secondary Teaching: Another Conversation

    The conversation between students and alumnae scheduled for April 22, 2005 has been canceled. It may be rescheduled for a later date.

  • Seminar: Wavelets and Applications to Digital Imaging

    Patrick Van Fleet Tuesday, April 12, 2005 at 3:30pm in Olin 320 Wavelets are a new mathematical tool and they are used to decompose signals or images into an approximation of the original and levels of details. Unlike Fourier decompositions, wavelet decompositions are locally attuned to changes in data and such decompositions lend themselves well…

  • Internship – J2ME/BREW Programmers

    Digital Cyclone, Inc ( is looking for interns during any/all semesters. Hands-On Experience to compile, deploy, and modify existing client/server J2ME and BREW applications to run properly on mobile phones as well as to modify existing application documentation. Required Skills include ability and willingness to take direction, have an interest in mobile phone technology and…

  • Batalden Receives NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship

    Senior Mathematics Teaching major Bachel Batalden was one of 56 students from across the country to win an NCAA scholarship for postgraduate study. Congratulations, Rachel!

  • Putnam Exam results

    The Putnam Exam is a mathematical problem-solving contest open to all undergraduates in the U.S. and Canada. We took the contest in December, and received the results today. 3,733 students took the contest; over half scored zero. Less than half of the Gusties who took it scored zero, though. Our top scores belonged to Trevor…

  • Iterated Games and the Evolution of Cooperation

    Seminar by Tom LoFaro Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 3:30pm in Olin 320 We will consider a discrete model of two interacting species each of whose fitness is determined by the outcome of an iterated game. This problem was first explored by Doebeli et al where the game was the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma and the…

  • David Wolfe on NPR

    David Wolfe, a professor in the MCS Department, was on National Public Radio this Sunday, in the Sunday Puzzle segment of Weekend Edition Sunday. He had won the prior week’s challenge puzzle and hence got to play this week’s on-air puzzle; you can listen to the audio.

  • Konhauser Problemfest

    On February 26, 9 intrepid Gusties trekked up to Carleton College in Northfield for the 13th annual Konhauser Problemfest. This is a three-hour math contest featuring teams from Gustavus, St. Olaf, Carleton, Macalester, St. Thomas, and Augsburg. None of our 9 guys had been to Konhauser before, but only two were seniors so we should…

  • Gustavus CS Major Wins Composition Contest

    True geekiness shines through! Even though the judges at Caltech had no idea the original wind-orchestra composition they were judging was from a computer science major, they were mysteriously drawn to it, over all the other compositions they had received from around the world. Well, maybe it isn’t such a mystery, because Gustavus senior Paul…

  • Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

    As long as I’m here I figured I’d let anyone who’s interested know about a great book I’m reading right now. It’s incredibly dense & reads more as a philosophy of science book you sip rather than a novel you chug, but it’s an incredible journey through interrelationships between all formal systems, from number theory…