Category: lives

  • Experiences at Berkeley

    I thought I’d update the math department on life as a grad student at Berkeley.  First of all, I am living in the same apartment (maybe even room) as David Wolfe did when he was at Berkeley, and with one of the same roommates.  Some bad news is that I failed the preliminary exam, but the…

  • Alumnus and Prof Publish

    Class of 2004 math alumnus Tim Dorn joined together with Professor Tom LoFaro in coauthoring a recently published paper with Hamish Spencer of the University of Otago.  The article appeared in the August, 2006, issue of Genetics and is entitled “Population Models of Genomic Imprinting. II. Maternal and Fertility Selection.“

  • Alumnus Reflects on Intro to Comp Sci

    I received an interesting email from Phil Miesle, a Gustie Physics major from class of 1995 who took the introductory computer science course back in spring of 1993. In the meantime he’s found himself in the software industry, working for Oracle as a “Principle Performance Architect,” and took some time to reflect upon the computer…

  • Fields Medals and ICM 2006

    An article is already published in the NYT (link will probably die soon), but two Gustavus faculty (Holte & McDermott) were present to hear the announcement of the Fields medals presented at the ICM 2006 in Madrid. The Fields medals were awarded to Andrei Okounkov, Grigori Perelman, Terence Tao, and Wendelin Werner. There had been…

  • Four MCS Professors Honored for Century of Service

    OK, so it is both corny and bogus to add up years of service.  Sue me.  On Thursday, May 18th, 2006, the Gustavus Alumni Association honored faculty members and administrators for their years of service.  The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science was well represented: David Wolfe was honored for 10 years, Jeff Rosoff for…

  • Zupan Awarded Goldwater Scholarship

    Gustavus math major Alex Zupan has been awarded a prestigious Goldwater Scholarship by the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation. The Foundation was established and funded by the United States Congress to honor former Senator Barry M. Goldwater by providing financial encouragement to outstanding students in mathematics, the natural sciences, and engineering.…

  • MCS Alumni Sweep First Decade Awards

    As happens each year, the Gustavus Alumni Association is recognizing two members of the graduating class ten years ago (the class of 1996, in this case) with the “First Decade Award” for the significance of their accomplishments within their first decade since graduation. This year, something a bit unusual happened: both award recipients majored in…

  • IdiotKin’s New CD

    I always like to hear what our alumni are up to, so of course I was thrilled to get a CD in the mail today from Luther Monson. He does have a day job where he puts his computer science education to use, but his real love is whacking the #%#@ out of drums in…

  • Alumni Roundup

    Here is a sampling of what various graduates of our department are up to.

  • Zupan Wins Award for Presentation

    Gustavus math major Alex Zupan won the Council on Undergraduate Research award for the best research talk in the MAA Student Papers sessions at MathFest 2005. We have a photo of him receiving the award, complements of Paul Fishback. Zupan’s talk on Numbers and Patterns in Segments in the Hausdorff Metric Geometry was based on…