Month: November 2004
More alumni check in
The first alumni roundup provoked some more alumni to check in; here is what they are up to.
Math/CompSci Department Games Party
December 10, 2004, starting at 7pm Max Hailperin’s House Come have fun with MCS professors, students, and family members. This is an informal gathering where we’ll have the whole range of games: fast-action party games, deep-thought strategy games, and everything in between. Tired of playing games? Grab some munchies and chat and munch while putting…
Sums of Squares
Inspired by exam grading over Thanksgiving weekend, I have one more problem for the MCS Club contest for the fall semester. Given that our best response was for the first problem, which featured the number 16, I have determined that this must be because problems about 16 are one easier than all those problems about…
Problem Solving email alias
I have put together a mailing list for students and/or faculty and/or alums who are interested in information about the contests we’re involved in, or general information about mathematical problem solving. Email me, dmolnar at gac dot edu, if you would like to be added to the list.
Gusties Compete in Math Contest – Resistance is Futile!
Saturday November 13th was a busy day for geeky Gusties. While the programmers travelled to St. Paul, 12 students were competing on campus in the MAA North Central Section Team Contest. I was pleased with the turnout, up from 4 last year. Overall, 66 teams from 26 colleges and universities throughout the region took part.…
Group photo of CS alumni
When ten recent computer science alumni got together to discuss career issues with current juniors and seniors, they also posed for a group photo with me.
Tips from a Computer Science graduate
Haimanti “Hemo” (Nag) Weld, a class of 2001 Computer Science alumna, sent me an email with some advice for students, based on her experience moving into the work world. In her words, these are “some things I know today that I would have liked to have known before.”
Gusties Compete in Programming Contest
On Saturday, November 15, CS majors Michael Schmit, Dan Treiman, and Jared Wangen competed in the ACM North Central North America Regional Programming Contest. The regional contest spans seven US states and one and a half Canadian provinces, and this year included 187 teams. Teams participate from local satellite sites; the Gustavus team was one…
G’day! This is Molly Hassler, math major class of 2006, from Brisbane Australia! I am currently studying at the University of Queensland and loving every minute of it. For anyone that is considering studying abroad, make sure you fit it into your schedule. Not only do all of my courses fufill a requirement back at…
Alumni Roundup
This is the first in what I hope will be an occasional series of “roundup” posts giving brief information on what a number of different alumni are up to.