Author: anienow2

  • Retirement Reception

    The MCS Department will be hosting a retirement reception to recognize Jeff Rosoff, Carolyn Dobler, and Barbara Kaiser for their many years of service. The event will take place on Monday May 11 from 4:00 to 5:00 in the Linnaeus Arboretum Interpretive Center.

  • MCS Art Show Comes to an End

    On Friday March 20 the 2nd MCS Art Show came to a close. The show had a well attended opening and saw a steady stream of visitors throughout its three week run.  The MCS Department would like to extend a special thanks to Lois Peterson for organizing the art show. For those of you that…

  • Six MCS Students Participate in 2014 ACM Programming Contest

    Six MCS Students Participate in 2014 ACM Programming Contest

        Six MCS students went to Carlton College on Saturday November 8 to participate in the annual ACM Programming Contest. The contest originally started at Texas A & M in 1970. It spread through North America and has branches and chapters throughout the world. “The contest fosters creativity, teamwork, and innovation in building new…

  • Max Hailperin to be awarded the Gustavus Faculty Service Award.

    President Bergman announced on Monday that the Faculty Service Award for 2014 will be given to Dr. Max Hailperin, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science. Please join the College community for the award ceremony on Founders Day, Friday, Oct. 31, at 10 a.m. in Christ Chapel.  The College will recognize the contributions of Max and…

  • 2014 Graduate Places 2nd at the Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition

    2014 graduate, David Blomker, placed 2nd at the 2014 Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition. David received his recognition for work he had done in his Applied Statistics class. He was one of three winners that were selected from a pool that included submissions from Colleges and Universities from all over the country, including Northern Kentucky University and…

  • MCS Students Participate in ACM Programming Contest

    Three MCS students went to Carlton College  this past Saturday to participate in the annual ACM Programming Contest. The contest originally started at Texas A & M in 1970. It spread through North America and has branches and chapters throughout the world. “The contest fosters creativity, teamwork, and innovation in building new software programs, and enables students to test…

  • Pi Day 2013

    The Gustavus Mathematics and Computer Science Department hosted its annual celebration of Pi Day on March 14. As usual, the mention of free pie brought students, faculty, and others running to the 3rd floor Olin lobby.    Professor Mike Hvidsten showcased his pie baking skills with a home-made blueberry pie while MCS Club co-President Helen Wauck…

  • Wrapping Up the School Year

    At the end of every school year the MCS Department hosts a picnic to let the students and faculty recharge their batteries for the stretch run that is finals week.  This year saw a few changes to the program.  As T.J. Morrison was on sabbatical and Jeff Rosoff was recovering from surgery the grilling was…

  • MCS Department to Host Differential Equations Conference

    The MCS Department will be hosting a conference titled Differential Equations Across the Collegiate Curriculum The conference will take place from June 23rd through the 26th. For more information click here

  • Pi Day at Gustavus

    Every March 14, or 3.14, mathematicians around the World celebrate Pi Day. This year Gustavus hosted a small celebration. The MCS Club sponsored a Pi Day get-together. Students, faculty, friends, and family were all invited to bring a pie to the 3rd floor Olin lobby to share. The event was well attended and the general…