Year: 2018

  • 2018 Konhauser Problemfest

    This year’s Konhauser Problemfest took place on Sat, Feb 17 at the University of St Thomas. The Konhauser Problemfest is an annual problem competition for three-person teams from private colleges throughout Minnesota. The contest was started in 1993 in honor of the late Joe Konhauser, a long-time professor at Macalester who was a very active problemist. The…

  • MCS Problem Solving Group

    The MCS department will be sponsoring problem solving sessions throuout the spring semester.  Pizza and problems will be provided.   See the MCS Events Calendar for the time and location. Here is a sample of this weeks problem provided by Dr. Jacob Siehler. Here’s a quick little question to get your brain working.  You know…

  • MCS Alumni Profile: Andrew Tilman (’11)

    Tell us about yourself. I graduated from Gustavus in 2011 with a degree in Mathematics. I am currently working at the University of Pennsylvania as a Postdoc in mathematical biology. How did the MCS department help you get where you are today? My degree in math has really shaped how I view the world and…