When: November 9, 2011, 11:30am-12:30pm
Where: Olin Hall, Room 320
We will screen a video of Dr. David A. Ferrucci’s keynote address, “IBM’s Watson/DeepQA,” which he gave at the 2011 Federated Computing Research Conference. (QA stands for “Question Answering.”) Ferrucci is an excellent speaker and provides an explanation of how his group at IBM tackled the Jeopardy! challenge that is technically grounded, yet widely accessible. Whether you want to know how statistics-driven natural language processing works, or were just wondering how on earth such a successful program could guess “Toronto” in the “U.S. Cities” category, this presentation is a must-see.
Lunch will be served.
This presentation is part of the MCS Seminar series; please see the calendar of upcoming events. Also, please email suggestions for future seminars as well as any questions.
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