Math Careers: What’s the “Real World” Like? Posted on October 13th, 2005 by

A discussion with recent grads about employment
Godfather’s Pizza, back room, 6:15pm, November 10, 2005
Pizza and soft drinks will be served

This event is for math majors interested in careers outside of the computing and teaching areas; other events are adressing those two areas.

Math majors who graduated over the last handful of years will come back to talk about their job search processes, the jobs they landed, what it was like to start in a new job, and how it is working out. What is it like? What do they wish they’d known in advance? How can they help you? They represent a variety of career paths: government cryptography, insurance-industry actuarial work, and other quantitative jobs in business.

This event will be hosted by Jeff Rosoff. For any questions, contact Max Hailperin. In particular, if you want help arranging automobile transport down and back up, please ask.


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