Month: February 2020

  • MCS Seminar on Lewis Carroll

    Join us on Monday at 3:30 pm in Olin 321 for the MCS department seminar given by current GAC student, Rebecca Steffen.  The title of Rebecca’s talk is “The Mathematical Art of Lewis Carroll” and an abstract is given below.  As always, snacks will be served.  We look forward to seeing you there! Abstract:  While…

  • Open Visiting Statistics Position

    Gustavus Adolphus College invites applications for a full-time one-year position of Visiting Assistant Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics to begin September 1, 2020.  See the full job posting at 

  • NFL Statistician to give Seminar on 2/18

    The MCS department is excited to welcome Dennis Lock as our first MCS seminar speaker of 2020.  Dennis is the Director of Football Research and Strategy for the Buffalo Bills.  His talk, “Sports Analytics:  An Insider’s Perspective” will be on Tuesday, February 18th in Olin 103 at 6:30 pm.  Refreshments will be served! Abstract for talk:…