Month: September 2019
Pizza and Problem Solving Returns!
Pizza and Problem Solving will resume on Friday September 27. Come and help solve interesting, challenging, and just plain fun math problems and puzzles. Sometimes we even play games with some math content. You don’t need to have any particular background in math to join, i.e. you do not need to be a math major. We have many problems/puzzles…
MCS Seminar on Monday 9/30 at 3:30 pm
Dr. Adam Loy from Carleton College will be giving a seminar talk entitled, “Can’t a computer do that? Exploring automatic evaluation of statistical graphics.” The talk will start at 3:30 pm in Olin 321 with refreshments beginning at 3:15 pm. The department looks forward to seeing you there!
MCS Summer Research: Offensive Performance in Baseball
Offensive performance in baseball depends on a number of correlated factors: the pitches the batter faces, the batter’s choice to swing, and the batter’s hitting ability. The choices of whether or not to swing, which can be describe as plate discipline, has traditionally been summarized as the proportion of pitches inside and outside of the…