Year: 2010

  • Computational Artists

    I had the pleasure of attending the FlashBelt conference on interaction design, architecture and computer generative art.   What is computer-generative art?  Using computers to write tools to create art.  Within these tools are algorithms and interactivity designated to translate images in new ways, to recursively add geometry, and even to translate soundwaves into visuals.…

  • Crime Distance and Background Probability in Geoprofiling

    Seminar by Chen Yu Yang, Gustavus Mathematics Major Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at 11:30 AM in Olin 321 This work on geoprofiling builds on my collaboration with Sam Rethwisch and Eric Cox in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2010. Geoprofiling is a technique to locate criminals based on historical data, proposed by Rossmo in his…

  • Understanding the Challenges of Freecell

    Seminar by Katie O’Bryan, Gustavus Mathematics Major Wednesday, May 5, 2010 at 12:30 PM in Olin 321 Looking at the Freecell derivation of Solitaire, I will discuss the history and fundamentals of Freecell as well as the applications of statistics and probability to the game. Many people have been acquainted with Freecell through use of…

  • Congratulations to the Nienows!

    This morning at about 5:30, Amanda Nienow brought her second son, Henry, into the world, weighing 7 lbs 1 oz and measuring 20.5 inches long. Henry’s father, MCS Department member Aaron Nienow, reports that Henry is “very active” and that both baby and mother are doing well. Congratulations to the Nienows, including older brother Allan.

  • MCS Student Profiled

    The Gustavian Weekly published a profile of math major and computer science minor Karl Boetcher as their “Gustie of the Week.”

  • Hvidsten’s Robotics Course a Hit at UIC

    Gustavus Math/CS prof Mike Hvidsten is on leave this year at UIC in Zhuhai China, and the robotics course he is teaching is a real hit there. The course is modeled on one he taught at Gustavus along with Physics professor Tom Huber.

  • Student Blogs from Budapest

    It’s taken me a few months to notice that one of our students, Jennifer Van Osdel, has been busily blogging her experiences from the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics. Definitely worth reading!

  • Burnt pancakes, DNA, and the Symmetric Group: or, how Bill Gates became a billionaire

    Seminar by Jonathan Kujawa, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oklahoma and 1997 Gustavus Mathematics Major Monday, April 12, 2010 at 11:30AM in Olin 321216 We will discuss how serious problems from biology and playful problems from mathematics surprisingly coincide. The answer to both involve developing algorithms within the symmetric group. I’ll tell…

  • Alum offers help with entrepreneurship grant

    Mark Gritter, who graduated in 1997 with majors in CS and math, calls our attention to the MinneSpark grants for which he is a trustee and offers to provide feedback on draft proposals. Details follow.

  • Search: Visiting Assistant Professor (or Instructor) of Computer Science

    Gustavus Adolphus College invites nominations and applications for a one-year position of Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science to begin September 1, 2010. This position may be continued to include the 2011/2012 academic year. We seek candidates who have an earned doctorate in Computer Science or in a related field, but will consider candidates with…