Attention students: We have an excellent opportunity to tour a company that employs many mathematics and computer science majors and talk with Gustavus alumni working there about their careers.
I would like to encourage you to participate in this trip, even if career issues are not only your immediate horizon. When we visited Federated before, students found it very valuable to hear some alumni perspectives, even if their own careers were likely to go down different paths.
Our bus will leave Olin Hall at 10:00am on March 6, and return by 3:45 that afternoon. Over lunch, we will hear about the actuarial and information services areas. Then we will split up to follow individual alumni from either actuarial or information systems to their work sites and talk with them in more depth.
In order to help our hosts plan logistics, please email Max Hailperin with your estimated probability of attendance. If you send me a non-zero probability, I’ll be back in touch with you as we get closer to the event. It would also help if you indicated which of the two areas you want to split off into.
I recognize that you may have classes meeting during this block of time on a Friday and that class attendance is important. I would ask you to weigh the value of this trip against the importance of those classes, and consider talking with your professors about ways you could minimize the damage done by going on the trip.