Visit with Alumni at Thomson West Posted on March 9th, 2007 by

On Wednesday, March 21st, I will be taking a dozen or more students to visit with seven alumni at Thomson West in Eagan. We will be receiving a tour of the datacenter from Robb Gamm, class of 1984, and hearing about a variety of software development topics from Matt Pettis, class of 1994, Zach Park, class of 2006, John Engebretson, class of 2000, and Mike Pone, class of 2000. Our overall hosts for the visit are Jen and Todd Hauschildt, classes of 1992 and 1987.

We will leave from Olin at 10 and return about 4:15. I’d be happy to add more students to the list of those going; just drop me an email.


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