Connecting people Posted on July 26th, 2004 by

Typical posts for the “connecting people” blog category might be

  • I’m looking into industry sector X. Anyone with experience willing to exchange email?
  • I’m going to be in geographic area Y. Anyone interested in getting together for coffee?
  • My company is looking for interns. Any current students interested?

For now, this area is open for anyone (who registers) to post to, just like the rest of the blog, and anything posted will be visible to the world. Hopefully it will mostly serve its intended function of helping Gustavus MCS alumni and students to network. We’re looking into other options, like a moderated email list, should this one prove unsuccesful. Feel free to contact Max Hailperin if you are concerned about the medium.


One Comment

  1. Andrew Hoag 1996 says:

    This seems like a good idea. I’m in San Francisco (Silicon Valley) and available for a coffee if people make it out to the area or are interested in working out here.