Category: department news

  • MCS Scholarship

     Dr. Jacob Siehler published an article the College Math Journal titled New Problems in Port-and-Sweep Solitaire. You can read a copy of the article here. You can learn more about Port-and-Sweep Solitaire along with Dr. Siehler’s other research interests by visiting his homepage.

  • MCS Scholarship

        Dr. Ella Burnham co-lead a breakout session titled “How to communicate in an online statistics course“. The session was part of the summer meeting of the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics at State College in Pennsylvania.

  • Dr. Dongji Feng Joins MCS Department

        The MCS Department is excited to welcome Dr. Dongji Feng. Dr Feng comes to us after earning his PhD in computer science from Auburn University.  His research interests are in auto machine learning, auto text generation, and information retrieval.   

  • Dr. Guarionex Salivia joins the MCS Department

      The MCS Department is excited to welcome Dr. Guarionex Salivia back to the department. Dr. Salivia was a visiting computer science instructor in 2012. He returns to the department after 11 years as a professor at the University of Minnesota at Mankato. Dr. Salivia’s research interests are in human computer interaction

  • MCS Scholarship

      Congratulations to Dr. Jillian Downey. Her paper titled Implementation of Alternative Grading Methods in a Mathematical Statistics Course has been accepted into the Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education. An advanced copy of the article can be found here.

  • MCS Scholarship

    Congratulations to Dr. Laura Hildreth for her article entitled Writing Workshops to Foster Written Communication Skills in Statistics Graduate Students  in The Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education.  

  • MCS Faculty Member Wins Teaching Award

    Congratulations to Dr. Jeff Ford ’02.  Dr. Ford was named the 2022 – 2023 winner of the Provost’s Award for Teaching Excellence by a Non-tenure Track Faculty Member. Dr. Ford has been teaching in the MCS department since 2016. His friendly personality, use of mastery based grading and inquiry based learning are just a few of the…

  • Tenure Ceremony Recognizes MCS Faculty Member

    Congratulations to Dr. Jillian Downey. Dr. Downey was officially tenured by the college today.