About the MCS Blog

The Gustavus Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has established this blog in order to facilitate communication with (not just to) alumni and students. You can find the blog at http://mcs.blog.gustavus.edu

To post a new message to the blog, you need to login and to be configured as an “author.”  Any alumnus, student, or faculty member is welcome to contact Max Hailperin about becoming an author.

The blog is divided into four categories. By default you will see entries from all four, mixed together in reverse chronological order. However, you can also zoom in on just one specific category. The categories are

A place for alumni, faculty, and students to share news about their lives, such as births, marriages, jobs, moves, deaths, etc. This would also be a good place for memories about individuals, like the professor who you can’t forget because…,
department news
When we plan an event, hire someone, change our curriculum, publish something, or otherwise have news to report, we’ll put a note here. This will replace our previous “what’s new” web page.
This is our “op-ed” area. Anyone connected to the department is welcome to write (alumni, students, faculty). We ask that you stick to topics with some relationship to math, computing, or the department. This could include social/political/legal issues (regulating the web, say), technical developments (e.g., the new features added to Java), or curricular concerns (were we crazy to eliminate the AI course?).
connecting people
Alumni seeking students, students seeking alumni, alumni seeking alumni. (Students seeking students shouldn’t need this blog.) We’re not talking about romance here; typical posts might be

  • I’m looking into industry sector X. Anyone with experience willing to exchange email?
  • I’m going to be in geographic area Y. Anyone interested in getting together for coffee?
  • My company is looking for interns. Any current students interested?

If you find an open blog inimical to this sort of networking, you might try the Gustavus MCS group on LinkedIn. Or get in touch with us.

Thanks to Matt Klaber, class of 2007, Dan Oachs, class of 1997, Joe Lencioni, class of 2005, Ryan Rud, class of 2006, and Jerry Nowell for installing, configuring and maintaining the WordPress software used to run this blog.