Month: March 2017
2017 Pi Day Celebration
On Tuesday March 14 the MCS department hosted its annual pi day celebration. The event was, as usual, well attended. Pie and good conversation were had by all.
MCS Seminar: Number Theory and Mathematical Physics:
Dr. Amy DeCelles from the University of St. Thomas will be speaking about Number Theory and Mathematical Physics: Applying “applied math” to the “purest” of pure math”. Number theory consists of the mathematics that has been developed over the ages to answer seemingly simple questions about ordinary counting numbers, questions like, “Is it possible to find…
Congratulations Laura!!!
Congratulations to MCS Assistant Professor Laura Boehm Vock. Evan Michael Vock was born at 7:04 pm, Monday February 27. He was 20 inches long and weighed 6 lbs 12 oz. Baby and Mom are home and doing well.
MCS Seminar: Flipped Instruction
Mr. Kennedy graduated from Gustavus and is a very popular high school math teacher at St. Peter High School. He will be speaking about Flipped Instruction on Monday, March 6th from 3:30-4:30 in Olin 321. Refreshments will be provided. “Flipped Instruction is a general term used for a learning strategy where instructional content is…