Month: April 2010
Congratulations to the Nienows!
This morning at about 5:30, Amanda Nienow brought her second son, Henry, into the world, weighing 7 lbs 1 oz and measuring 20.5 inches long. Henry’s father, MCS Department member Aaron Nienow, reports that Henry is “very active” and that both baby and mother are doing well. Congratulations to the Nienows, including older brother Allan.
MCS Student Profiled
The Gustavian Weekly published a profile of math major and computer science minor Karl Boetcher as their “Gustie of the Week.”
Hvidsten’s Robotics Course a Hit at UIC
Gustavus Math/CS prof Mike Hvidsten is on leave this year at UIC in Zhuhai China, and the robotics course he is teaching is a real hit there. The course is modeled on one he taught at Gustavus along with Physics professor Tom Huber.
Student Blogs from Budapest
It’s taken me a few months to notice that one of our students, Jennifer Van Osdel, has been busily blogging her experiences from the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics. Definitely worth reading!
Burnt pancakes, DNA, and the Symmetric Group: or, how Bill Gates became a billionaire
Seminar by Jonathan Kujawa, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oklahoma and 1997 Gustavus Mathematics Major Monday, April 12, 2010 at 11:30AM in Olin 321216 We will discuss how serious problems from biology and playful problems from mathematics surprisingly coincide. The answer to both involve developing algorithms within the symmetric group. I’ll tell…