Month: March 2008

  • Gustavus Math T-Shirts Rock!

    This is the strange story of how Gustavus math contest t-shirts have come to adorn a rock star.  In this post, all photos are thumbnails: click on them for the full-sized images.

  • Poetry Contest

    To celebrate April being both Math Awareness Month and Poetry Month, the Gustavus Mathematics and Computer Science Department invites all Gustavus students to participate in a poetry contest with the opportunity to win a $50 prize and public recognition. Submissions are due by April 10, 2008, and the winner will be announced May 1st.

  • Mathematical Modelling of Motion Detection in Fly’s Visual Cortex

    Dr. Baili Chen, Washington University in St. Louis, Candidate for MCS faculty position Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at 3:30PM in Olin 320 Visual motion detection is one of the most active areas in neuroscience today. In this paper, we investigate the mechanism of motion-detection in the fly’s visual cortex. First, we investigate how the direction…

  • Applied Statistics and Programming in a Medical Research Setting

    Eric A. Barnitt (Mayo Clinic, Gustavus ’07) 11:30-12:20 on Wednesday, March 12, 2008 Olin Hall, Room 321 Lunch will be served The field of medical research is one that is vast and growing. Researchers are pushing to find new ways to understand complex medical questions in virtually every field of medicine. My talk addresses how…