Month: November 2005
Missing Square Puzzles
If you’ve seen these before it may be old news, but I only just stumbled across the seeming impossibility of two identical sets of shapes having a different combined area. Click here to view a particularly amazing Missing Square Puzzle (aka “Curry’s Paradox”). Why does #5 fit on the top configuration but not the bottom?…
Gusties Compete in Team Math Contest
On Saturday, November 12, 12 Gustavus students (Peter Overholser, Noah Mirovsky, Eric Overstad, Jonathan Dexter, Anna Lindquist, Jared Walz, Michael Bologna, Eric Barnitt, Dan Johnson, Mitch Engel, Guy Davis and Eva Cornell) competed in teams of three in the ninth annual MAA North Central Section Team Contest. Both MCS and Physics majors were well represented…
Gusties Compete in Programming Contest
On Saturday, November 5, Gustavus students Justin Delegard, Dan Treiman, and Alex Wauck competed in the ACM North Central North America Regional Programming Contest. The regional contest spans seven US states and one and a half Canadian provinces, and this year included 186 teams. Teams participate from local satellite sites; the Gustavus team was one…