Entries tagged with ‘computer science’

Dr. Dongji Feng Joins MCS Department

    The MCS Department is excited to welcome Dr. Dongji Feng. Dr Feng comes to us after earning his PhD in computer science from Auburn University.  His research interests are in auto machine learning, auto text generation, and information retrieval.   

Dr. Guarionex Salivia joins the MCS Department

  The MCS Department is excited to welcome Dr. Guarionex Salivia back to the department. Dr. Salivia was a visiting computer science instructor in 2012. He returns to the department after 11 years as a professor at the University of Minnesota at Mankato. Dr. Salivia’s research interests are in human computer interaction

Gusties Compete in Programming Contest

  Congratulations to Wenlei Yu, Josie Bierbaum, and Lucas Hartfiel  for correctly solving three problems in the 2021 – 2022 International Collegiate Programming Contest.  Team JLW from Gustavus finished 58th out of 96 teams in the North Central North American Region. This is quite an accomplishment given that many of the teams in the region had at least one […]

Teaching a Machine Learning Camp

Check out the October/November issue of the MAA FOCUS  for an article on teaching a machine learning camp written by Dr. Melissa Lynn.    


The MCS department made some upgrades over the summer.  The iMacs that were in Olin 326 have been replaced with a PC that runs the latest release of Ubuntu.  The hardware change was made to compliment upcoming changes to the Computer Science major.  The department also added a 3rd generation Threadripper with a 3970 X […]

Senior Honor’s Presentation 5/12/14

Real-Time Hand Recognition on Raspberry Pi Helen Wauck Monday May 12, 4:00PM Olin 321   Abstract The problem of recognizing hand gestures in real-time from a video feed has been thoroughly studied in the field of computer vision, but methods for real-time hand gesture recognition on low performance machines are scarce. In this work, we […]

MCS Seminar 5/14/14

Linking the Microbiome to Host Phenotype and Genotype   Professor Dan Knights University of Minnesota Wednesday May 14, 4:30PM Olin 321 Abstract Perhaps the grandest bioinformatics challenge of the genomics era is to place genes into functional disease pathways using data sets of limited sample size. Human genome studies have identified associations between genetics and disease, but in […]

MCS Seminar 3/19/14

On Wednesday March 19 at 7:00PM in Olin 321 the Mathematics and Computer Science Department will be hosting a talk by David Liben-Nowell of Carlton College. Tracing Global-Scale Information Flow using Internet Chain-Letter Data David Liben-Nowell Carlton College Although information, news, jokes, and opinions circulate continuously in the worldwide social network, the actual mechanics of how […]

Wall Street Journal Asks “Who Needs to Know How to Code”

Enrollments in MCS-177 are up; way up. This Wall Street Journal article explores why there is an increased interest in computer programming, who are the people learning to code, and what are some of the non-traditional institutions satisfying this need.

MCS Students Participate in ACM Programming Contest

Three MCS students went to Carlton College  this past Saturday to participate in the annual ACM Programming Contest. The contest originally started at Texas A & M in 1970. It spread through North America and has branches and chapters throughout the world. “The contest fosters creativity, teamwork, and innovation in building new software programs, and enables students to test […]